North Cray Residents Association

Is an association with approximately 400 members aand it's aims are:

  • To promote and further the preservation of the local environment as a Residential area, the protection of the Green Belt and the improvement of local amenities in North Cray.
  • To provide guidance and assistance to members to attempt the solution of any problems coming within the scope of the Association.
  • To co-operate with any other Association, Federation or Council having similar objectives, with a view to ensuring unity of action on matters affecting members generally to their mutual benefit.
  • To watch over al legislative matters which shall tend to affect the interests of members.

It's activities are organised by a Committee of volunteers and id financed by annual subscriptions provided by it's members.

Information about planning issues, events and community news are provided via NewsMail service and periodic news letters.

It holds an annual AGM meeting which all members can attend and vote  on any proposals being discussed and appoint the committee for the forthcoming year.

Some local Images, defribulators at the Bothy and in Parsoange lane, The meadows and St james Church